Thursday, December 16, 2010

Book Note: Voices of Gnosticism (Miguel Connor)

The end of the semester has been so busy. The good news is that I finally finished a draft of my book Sex and the Serpent: Why the Sex and Gender Conflicts of the Early Church Still Matter. This was such a relief for me since I have been working on it off and on for two years. I am happy with the result, and look forward to moving it into print with Continuum.

In the midst of all this Miguel Connor's book, Voices of Gnosticism, has been released. It contains a wonderful collection of interviews Miguel conducted over the years for his radio show. It is so much fun to read these interviews side-by-side. Who's inside? Elaine Pagels, Bart Ehrman, Bruce Chilton, Stevan Davies, Birger Pearson, John Turner, Einar Thomassen, Jason BeDuhn, Karen King, Marvin Meyer, Jane Schaberg, and me.

Congratulations Miguel on a remarkable collection of interviews!

You can purchase the book from Amazon for 19.95 HERE.


Jared Calaway said...

great cover

Miguel Conner said...

Thank you, April! You certainly made it shine brighter and have been such a wonderful guest and influence in what I do and aspire to be. The question is that there are 13th scholars. Which heaven are you in?

Anonymous said...

Great book. The introductory materials by Mr Conner and Mr Smith are fantastic, and the scholars really bring the material to life.

I like it so much that I shamelessly advertised it in several places!
(review also on Amazon)