Friday, January 2, 2009

Report on the Apocalypse of Gabriel Stone

Over the holidays, I did have a chance to take a first look at the Apocalypse of Gabriel stone that is being exhibited in the Houston Museum of Natural History. I was surprised with its large size, but also its detriorated condition. The ink is so eroded that it is nearly impossible to read under normal light conditions. I commend Ada Yardeni for her initial work transcribing this text.

To make matters even more difficult, it is broken across the stone about midway between the top and bottom. It is broken across the line that Professor Knohl is translating, "In three days, live!" So I am going to have to spend some time studying the break and the ink remains, but my initial look suggested that an alpha is certainly part of the word that follows "in three days." Whether we should translate that word "live" or something else remains for me a question.

For a bibliography of the stone, see my post HERE. If you are aware of other publications about the stone, send me the information and I will include try to keep this bibliography updated.

PHOTO: This is a picture of the stone circulating on the web. I post it here so that you can see its size.

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